  • CMS - Finnoscore
  • Upload Bank/Insurance
  • Preview draft data in Finnoscore
  • Statuses
  • File Format
  • Manually adjust Excel file
  • Upload image in STRAPI CMS
  • Search images in STRAPI
  • FAQ - troubleshoot with example use case - screenshots
  • Image is missing on XLS upload
  • Overwrite a previous period selecting the same date
  • XLS format - type or date selection is wrong
  • Chart generator
  • History Chart
  • Comparison Chart
  • International Chart
  • Multi comparison chart
  • How to edit chart data
  • Save Chart images
  • Guideline for Finno charts

    CMS - Finnoscore


    We have a Content Management System (powered by STRAPI) to manage dynamic content for the FinnoConsult websites. Visit this page to access CMS admin:  CMS Login.
    The CMS is password protected is required, you can by contacting


    The Finno Chart generator & FinnoScore tools utilise the data from the CMS. FinnoScore data is managed manually on local machines separately as Excel, and finalized separately from this website using macros.
    Both the official finnoscore tool and the protected Chart generator tool uses the same input data from the CMS.

    Upload Bank/Insurance

    There are several ways to upload a new finnoscore dataset. You can do it directly from chart generator, but also you can use the Strapi CMS to upload an excel file.

    In Strapi:

    • Choose Finnoscore uploader on the left sidebar

    finnoscore uploader

    • You should see the following page

    finnoscore uploader page


    • Pick a date/period

    Date picker on finnoscore uploader

    • Be careful, if you don't want to overwrite an already existing file, don't use an upload with the same date!

    overwrite date in finnoscore uploader

    • Select the file you want to upload

    • After a successful upload you should see your file below:

    uploaded file in finnoscore uploader


    On the Website Finnoscore-Uploader:


    Finnoscore direct upload form

    • If theres an error it will display to you with a notification modal:

    Finnoscore upload if theres an error

    • Else it will successfully upload the file to Strapi CMS:


    Finnoscore direct upload success

    Preview draft data in Finnoscore

    • You can preview your uploaded data by clicking to the PREVIEW button

    preview data finnoscore uploader

    • It will navigate you to FinnoScore tool, and then starts to load your previewed data

    preview page of uploaded finnoscore data

    • If you notice that an image (bank logo) is missing, it is likely that the required asset is not uploaded to the CMS. Look at how to upload an asset to the Media Library

    no image preview finnoscore uploader


    Status can be Draft | Current | Previous | Legacy. Initially it becomes Draft on data upload, but then we Finalize a particular dataset. The very latest Final status would be considered as Current (used by FinnoScore tool), comparing trend graphs to Previous Finals. All previous (meaning, more than 2 years old), would become Legacy.
    When you use the chart generator you usually want to use DRAFT statuses.

    uploaded periods finnoscore uploader

    File Format

    Uploaded file format should be XLS, XLSM or any Excel compatible extension, also it has to match our column format configuration.

    File format for finnoscore uploader

    Previously uploaded files can be opened for reference from here.

    Manually adjust Excel file

    • Open the file you want to edit or create a new Excel document.

    File format for finnoscore uploader

    • Select the row you want to edit or select an empty row/cell after existing data. To select an entire row you need to click on the row number at the left side. After you have selected the desired row, just copy (Command+C | CTRL+C) it, then select the target cell where you want to paste it. Paste it with Command+V (on Mac) or CTRL+V (on Windows).

    select excel row

    • Now that you duplicated the row, you can easily edit the data to whatever you want.

    uploaded excel file finnoscore uploader

    • Important!!! In the excel file Import Banken tab, the Logo (FileName) should be the exact name of the logo you will upload to the STRAPI media library. In the excel file, you don't have to upload the image, it is just the name of the bank logo. Strapi will search in the media library for the same image name you added to the excel file.

    Finnoscore uploader excel file

    • After you have achieved your goal with the editing, save the file and upload it to the cms in the strapi file uploader.

    finnoscore uploader

    Upload image in STRAPI CMS

    • Go to Plugins -> Media Library on the left sidebar panel in Strapi

    Media library left side panel strapi

    • Go to Upload Asset on the top right corner

    upload assets media library

    • Upload a single asset or multiple assets.

    uploaded asset in media library

    • Open your uploaded asset with left click

    open an asset in media library

    • Important!!! The name of your file should be the exact same name that you gave in the excel file to your Bank logo (FileName).

    How to add edit file name of media library image

    • Add an alternative text to your image so we could have better SEO results!

    How to write alternative text for media library images

    • You also have options to delete, download, copy link or crop the image.

    Options on media library image upload

    • Finish the upload by clicking to the finish button

    Finnoscore uploaded assets

    FAQ - troubleshoot with example use case - screenshots

    Image is missing on XLS upload

    If you notice that an image (bank logo) is missing, it is likely that the required asset is not uploaded to the CMS. Look at how to upload an asset to the Media Library

    no image preview finnoscore uploader

    XLS format - type or date selection is wrong

    Uploaded file format should be XLS, XLSM or any Excel compatible extension.

    File format for finnoscore uploader

    Chart generator

    Chart generator is available at: link. Chart generator is only available for finnoconsult team members, therefore authentication is required. Currently 4 different charts are supported: History, Comparison, International, Multi

    History Chart

    • History chart is created to compare a specific institution's past with its current result.

    history chart

    • Select the type: insurance or bank

    type selector for charts

    • Select the two periods (relative & current)

    period selector

    • Periods are labeled as a help, but it is important to remember that the first period is representing the past (relative), and the second period is the current state of the bank/insurance. Colors are also representing the different states.

    • Only after this will the list of banks or insurances be available to us

    institution search for charts

    • The list is sorted by countries and has a search function

    institution search for charts

    Comparison Chart

    • Comparison chart is created to compare 2 Institution's result based on a specific period.

    Comparison chart

    • Select the type: insurance or bank

    type selector for charts

    • Select the period

    period selector

    • Select banks/insurances we would like to compare

    institution search for charts

    • Compared banks/insurances are labeled as a help, but it is important to remember that the first dropdown is representing the past (relative), and the second dropdown is the current state of the bank/insurance. Colors are also representing the different states.

    Comparison chart switch

    • In Comparison chart we can choose if we want to compare the current institution with a relative or country institution (Best/Average).

    Country selector in international chart generator

    International Chart

    • International Chart is created to see and compare the differences between top (best institutions by countries) with one specific institution.

    International chart

    • Select the type: insurance or bank

    type selector for charts

    • Select the period

    period selector


    • Select the top institutions you want to compare. It is ordered by countries: Austria top 10 | Austria top 5...

    Country selector

    • Second selector is the current insitution. If it is present in the top/best list than it will be shown in the left chart and also in the right chart where we display the current bank group. Bank group represent the same banks, for example if we choose ING, we will see all the ING banks in different countries.

    institution selector ING

    • We should see the indication of the country after the name of the bank.
    International chart ING selection International chart country indicator

    Multi comparison chart

    • Multi chart is representing the differences of 4 type of institutions. Top national, Best worldwide, Past andCurrent state of a choosen institution.

    Multi chart

    • First we have to select the type: insurance or bank

    type selector for charts

    • Select the two periods (relative & current)

    multi chart periods

    • Then select the institution. It will grab the past (Last year) and the current (This year) statistical data of the institution.

    institution selector

    • We can see the connection between periods - institution - color picker section in this picture.

    Multi institution legend connection

    • We can change the default colors of the different institutions.

    multi chart color picker

    • Then select the dimensions we want to display. The limit is 6 dimension, we have to deselect a dimension if wehave already 6 selected, and then select a new one.

    Dimension selector on multichart

    • With multi chart we not only able to display multiple institution's data but we are able to download multiple things like the chart or the legend.

    Download multichart

    How to edit chart data

    • Almost every data editable in chart generator.

    Editable texts on chart generator

    • From top to bottom, titles, labels, bank names or ratings. For editing, you have to double click on the text you would like to change.

    Editable parts of charts

    • Even the bars, we can increase or decrease bar percentages (Fill/Monochrome).

    Editable chart bar

    • or position status indicator. We can do that with the inputs next to the bars. Inputs are only visible when we hover over (take the mouse over) the input option.

    Editable chart bar

    • Most of the charts are edited with Drag & Drop feature, both the green bar and black line can be amended. You can see the drag indication, which you can see on hovering your mouse for the right side of the green bar, or exactly on top of  the black line.


    • International chart bars are also editable. There we only have one bar to edit.

    Editable international chart bar

    Editable bar

    Editable international chart label

    • Multi chart is also editable in the same way as the others.
    Multi chart editable parts
    • You can update the color of the actual bars on clicking, mostly on the left side of the actual dropdown:


    Save Chart images

    Charts can be exported in two ways.
    1. PrintScreen with Command-Shift-4. A cross-hair cursor will appear and you can click and drag to select the area you wish to capture.
    2. Export button: Download chart. Available for all charts.

    download button

    • Select the folder where you want to save the image.

    saved chart file

    • If download is completed you should see it at the bottom of your browser, Double click on the file!

    downloaded chart file

    • Cut out the part of the image we need (Drag with left click on your mouse)

    downloaded chart image

    • With Command-V or choose Edit < Paste on Mac or CTRL + V on Windows we able to paste in our transparent image

    history chart

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