
Company details

Company name
FInno Consult GmbH
Managing Directors
Chris Berger + Martin Schachinger
Rasumofskygasse 26
1030 Vienna, Austria
AT35 1515 1042 0107 7650
OBKLAT2L (Oberbank Austria)
VAT ID no.
Company registry no.
Registered office
Place of jurisdiction
Commercial Court of Vienna

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In view of the technical properties of the Internet, no warranty can be accepted for the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information provided via the Internet. No warranty is accepted either for the availability or operation of this website and its contents. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damage, irrespective of the cause of this, that arises from the use or unavailability of the data and information on this website is excluded where permissible by law. The content of this website is protected by copyright. The information is designed solely for personal use. Any usage beyond this, in particular saving in databases, reproduction or any form of commercial usage as well as forwarding to third parties — including in sections or in a revised format — is prohibited without the consent of the website owner. Links to this website are welcome.

With us, your
digital competition
will be trailing behind.

We are an innovation consultancy for companies in finance-
and insurance. Together with our customers we build successful
digital banks and insurance companies. In this way, you’ll be able to become a digital competitor yourself.
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